In a couple of days, it will be the 1st of July, which means everyone will be busy planning for this year’s fiesta celebration. The City Government of Cagayan de Oro, as represented by the City Tourism Council (CTC), has also started preparing for CDO’s most important annual event.

In a meeting with Higalaay Festival organizers and partners, Mayor Oscar Moreno reiterated that the local government is committed to pursuing the fiesta celebrations as planned. As a matter of fact, the festival secretariat already presented the schedule of core events for this year’s festival.

To help you plan your activities ahead of time, here is the list of the official core events for Higalaay Festival 2017:

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These are just the core events, though, so expect more fun and exciting activities to come your way soon.

The following hashtags are to be posted along with Higalaay Festival 2017-related events and activities: #BusinessAsUsualinCagayandeOro, #seCuritysoliDaritycOmpassion, and #seCuritysoliDaritycOmpassionBusinessAsUsual.

See you at the celebrations, Kagay-anons!

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