My sister is a professional fitness trainer and she’s one of the reasons why I started working out. Health, of course, is the number one reason. I realized the value of regular exercise in achieving good health and fitness.
I have a long way to go yet, but I’m doing my best. I try to work out everyday. I do P90X yoga, P90X Stretch, Zumba Fitness, Pilates, TRX and Kettlebell training and some cardio routines. Sometimes, if the unpredictable weather permits, I walk and jog. Yoga is, so far, my favorite as I’ve been doing it for years now. But don’t get me wrong, I’m no yoga expert! I still cannot do the complicated poses, if that’s what you’re thinking! I’m comfortable with my yoga routine, though, which is basically a mixture of routines lifted from the P90X and Alan Finger programs.
I also try my best to eat right, no matter how difficult it is. Last year, my doctor told me to stop eating fried food because they’re one of the main contributors for high cholesterol levels. I switched to a fried food-free diet and the results were great! I try to stay true to that diet up to now, although it is sometimes difficult. I often find myself trying out alternatives.
This is just the start of my journey. I’m not even halfway through my fitness goals, but at least I’m doing something to get there. Some people may not understand why I love to “torture” (their term, definitely not mine!) myself by working out, but it’s all because they’ve never really tried doing it. The feeling that I get after a work out is simply awesome. It’s like I’m reborn…rejuvenated! I feel lighter and more confident now. And, of course, I look better now. Nothing like the 18-year old me, but better still considering that I’m already in my 40s!

All these I owe to my sister Connie, who is my inspiration for the fitness stuff that I do. It has made me a better person in every sense of the word. As for the times when I stumble and fall – because I still do, no matter how determined I am – I always find some reason to stand up again and continue my fight.
I encourage you to try working out. Contrary to what some people say, it can be fun. It depends mostly on your whole outlook. If you think positive, you’ll feel positive and achieve positive results.
Working out or exercising is not just about looking good; it’s more about taking care of yourself by taking care of your health. Think about this, ok? And drop me a line or two once you’ve decided to start living healthy.
Have fun!
Love you, sis!
Love you, too, sis! 🙂