Havaianas. The mere sound of the word brings to mind a lot of pleasant memories. Fun summers spent frolicking in the beach, day trips with friends to unexplored places, and Sunday afternoons at the mall with the family. Havaianas is a part of all these memories. To many of us, it has become an integral part of our daily lives. The vibrant colors, lively designs, and comfortable feel of every Havaianas flip flop is just one of the many reasons for this.
Havaianas represents the fun and carefree lifestyle of a happy person. It embodies the passion and love for life of the dreamers and the achievers. A lot of people have learned to let loose and embrace the beautiful things in life because of Havaianas. This is why there are activities like Make Your Own Havaianas, an annual celebration of creativity, uniqueness, and the love for life. More than anything else, however, MYOH is about reaching out and unleashing hidden talents. It is about encouraging social interaction.
Make Your Own Havaianas is an engaging event that has become some sort of a special attraction in many parts of the country, including Cagayan de Oro. This year, the city will once again be a part of this fun celebration. The CDO leg of MYOH happens on the 17th and 18th of August at the Centrio Mall Activity Center.
In keeping up with its vibrant personality, Havaianas has come up with something sure to interest fans. For this year’s commemorative pair, there was no need to look far as Filipino illustrator and Havaianatico Dan Matutina came up with a first for Havaianas: a glow-in-the-dark flip flops! The design conveys a simple message: the spaceman with space markers that connect to the stars to create images clearly represent Havaianas’ dedication to helping everyone discover their inner passion through creativity and innovation. It’s a representation of a partnership that has been thriving for years. And the result of this is You + Havaianas.
You + Havaianas is a contest, the first of its kind, that gives Havaianaticos the chance to create their own designs based on a given theme. The winning entry will become a part of the 2014 Havaianas Collection. Cagayan de Oro is represented by four finalists: Feliciano Topas Legara IV, Rose Anne Quirante, John Paul Velez Sale, and Maria Carmela Lee. Anyone of them can win, but they will need your votes. Voting is done through www.youandhavaianas.com and clicking on the Vote Now button found below their entries. The contest runs until the 18th of August, so Kagay-anons still have a chance to vote.
All of these are connected to Havaianas’ goal of helping people fly, soar, and reach for their dreams. This is characterized by the Havaianas hot air balloon standing in the middle of the Centrio Garden. The balloon came all the way from Manila and was transported to Centrio “bayanihan” style – the Filipino way of helping out those in need. More than anything, though, the hot air balloon is the perfect representation of the happy and carefree spirit that Havaianas embodies. It symbolizes the dreams and aspirations that will soon take off. It invites you and encourages you to fly, soar, and reach that coveted dream.
If you’re ready to fly with Havaianas, be at the Centrio Activity Center at 10 am on August 17 and 18 for this year’s Make Your Own Havaianas. It’s your chance to make a statement, to make a difference, and to take your dreams to greater heights.