Real estate service professionals, brokers, appraisers, consultants, salespersons and businessmen looking to expand to Asia Pacific markets will find up to date developments in the world’s fastest-growing region at the 1st Real Estate Asia Pacific (REAP) 2017 Conference and Expo on October 23 – 24 at the SMX Convention Center in Mall of Asia Manila. 
The REAP 2017, with the theme Asean Real Estate Development and Practices Beyond Borders”, is a professional Real Estate Summit in the global context and ASEAN integration with an international set of speakers and highly-respected Real Estate officials in the Philippines.  It is considered as the biggest, grandest and most anticipated real estate industry event in Asia-Pacific Region and is expected to attract some 3,000 foreign and local real estate executives to attend.
REAP 2017 Poster
Professional Regulatory Board of Real Estate Service (PRBRES) Chairman Dr. Eduardo G. Ong, universally acknowledged as the “Father of Philippine Real Estate” said the lineup of distinguished foreign speakers and panelists makes REAP 2017 a compelling event for players in the real estate and allied industries. 
“The Real Estate Industry has come of age. We can see development and infrastructure rising not only in the urban cities but likewise in the suburban communities and in the entire Philippine archipelago. Many of the top billionaires in the country have one thing in common; they are engaged in real estate development,” Ong emphasized. 
“The country’s biggest developers need the services of credible and reliable Real Estate Service Professionals, Brokers, Appraisers, Consultants, Salespersons. They are indispensable partners to the Real Estate Development and Growth. Undoubtedly, the Real Estate Industry is booming and sparkling for the years to come especially in the advent of the ASEAN Economic Integration where ASEAN will become a borderless economy,” he stressed.
“It is in this landscape, that I fully endorse the holding of the Real Estate Asia Pacific Conference and Expo (REAP) 2016 which will be held at the SMX Convention Center, Manila on October 23 and 24, 2017.  Let us learn from the experiences of the experts and network with our associates in the industry!” Ong added.
Dr. Eduardo G. Ong is a highly respected international management consultant, realtor, educator, and business coach with six degrees to his credits: BS Commerce, Masters in Business, a Law Degree and Three (3) Doctorate Degrees – Ph. D in Philosophy, Doctor of Public Administration (DPA) and Doctor in Business Administration (DBA).  He has been in the academe, real estate and business arena for more than three (3) decades. 
He was a former Dean of Business Administration, Dean of the Graduate School and Vice President of Academic Affairs of leading universities in Metro Manila and a Professor of Business and Public Administration, Consultant and Business Coach for several Real Estate Companies and Business Corporations. Has written and published six books on Business Management, Marketing, and Research Methodology.
Dr. Eduardo Ong 
He was recently conferred a Diplomate in Business Education, Diplomate in Real Estate Management and Fellow in People Management and was given recognition as Doctor Fellow and International Visiting Professorial Fellow by the Royal Institution of Singapore.
Dr. Ong is currently the chairman of the Professional Regulatory Board of Real Estate Service and Chairman for Education of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Top international speakers and experts will headline the conference and will share with international real estate players their knowledge and incisive insights on topics that are vital to them and their success during the first and second days of the REAP 2017.
They will also present their respective country reports during the REAP 2017 breakout sessions. These include reports from Australia, China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, New Zealand, India, Mongolia, Fiji, Turkey and the Philippines.
“Both quantity- and quality-wise, we want to make sure our list of international and national experts in REAP 2017 will go down in the history of the real estate industry as probably one of the best-assembled batch of speakers and panelists,” Ong enthused.   

The REAP 2017 is supported by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), Professional Realtors Board of Real Estate Service (PRBRES), with supporting organizations:  Philippine Association of Real Estate Boards, Inc. (PAREB), Real Estate Brokers Association of the Philippines, Inc. (REBAP), National Real Estate Association (NREA), Council of Real Estate & Builders’ Associations, Inc. (CREBA), Philippine Associations of Realty Appraisers, Inc. (PARA), Subdivision and Housing Developers Association, Inc. (SHDA), among others, and organized by Media Blitz Group. 

The REAP 2017 aims to discover new approaches to issues facing the region’s real estate stakeholders and highlight innovative solutions that can help them differentiate themselves from competitors and to deliver greater value to their clients.

For inquiries on sponsorships, booths and registration, contact Media Blitz Group secretariat at (02) 2432388, (02) 09176898806,  or email, and  

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